
Geriatrics Clinic

Under the Guidance of our Geriatric focused attendings and family nurse practioner, our residents spend a majority of their time in clinic, learning about the geriatric assessment, learning to maintain older adults in the community at the most independent level as possible through an interdisciplinary family medicine approach. There is a designated 1-2 hour time slot in order to provide a comprehensive clinic visit.  Residents also gain exposure to long-term care including skilled nursing facilities, and rehabilitation centers.  In clinic, we also work closely with our pharmacists, neurologists and psychiatrists in the diagnosis and treatment of dementia, and psychiatric disorders in the elderly.  We spend time with a local hospice to learn about hospice care at facilities and at a patient's home.

Residents visit a local nursing home in Stockton, CA, Windsor Elm Haven where they see a variety of our elderly patients from our hospital and other local hospitals. Attending physicians Dr. Assibey and Dr. Way attend the nursing home visits with the residents and provide on site teaching.