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Vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure for permanent contraception. The vas deferens (ducts) are cut and tied or sealed preventing sperm from entering the urethra and therefore preventing fertilization of a female through sexual intercourse. Vasectomies are usually performed in a physician’s office and hospitalization is normally not required.

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No-scalpel no-needle vasectomy is the technique preferred by most providers. There are no incisions or sutures involved and there is minimal scarring, recovery time and lower risk of infection and complications.



Recovery after the procedure is short. You will need to take it easy for 48 hours after the procedure, especially if your job requires physical activity. There will be some discomfort for a couple of days after the anesthesia wears off, but this is easily reduced using Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ice. Wearing tight underwear to ensure the testicles are lifted up towards the body also help with pain. If your job requires physical activity we recommend you stay home or have non-strenuous duties for at least 3 days. We will provide you with a note for work. We have Thursday afternoon appointment exactly for this reason.

It is important to remember that you are not sterile and still can get your partner pregnant after the procedure until While most men experience absolutely no reduction in sexual desire or potency (some men even report an increase), it is important to use birth control during sexual intercourse until a screening indicates no sperm is present in the semen sample.


Will vasectomy affect my sex life?

Your sex life will be the same or better. Vasectomy does not affect your testosterone level and you will still have 95% of your ejaculate. Only 5% of ejaculate is semen. You will not see a change in sex drive, semen quantity, erections or ability to climax.

What is the typical recovery time?

Most men feel a dull ache for several hours after the procedure. Pain starts the improve day after procedure and the initial pain can be taken care of with simple dose of Acetaminophen (Tylenol). No running, jumping or vigorous activity for 3-4 days after the procedure. After 3-4 days most men are back to normal activity.

no-needle vasectomy?

We use a spray applicator that shoots local anesthetic through the skin. The fine stream of Lidocaine feels like snapping of rubber band.

What do you mean by no-scalpel vasectomy?

Instead of using a scalpel, a curved, sharp instrument is used to spread the tissue and locate the vas deferens and isolate through the skin. There is no sutures needed as the opening is very small and therefore the healing time is quick. You can shower day after the procedure as you normally would.

 What does the vasectomy procedure feel like?

Once the anesthesia is applied and the vas deferense is numbed up, there is should be no feeling afterwards. We sometimes apply a bit more of the anesthetic until the patient is completely numb. Typically our patients just listen to some music and before you know it we are all done.

How long until I don’t have to worry about using protection?

12 weeks and 20 ejaculations after the vasectomy you will need to provide a semen sample. You will then receive a call with the results clearing you and ensuring that you are sterile. You will still need to use protection prior to the call from your doctor clearing you.